Women in AI: Sarah Kreps, professor of government at Cornell

Women in AI: Sarah Kreps, professor of government at Cornell


When we talk about artificial intelligence (AI) today, it's impossible to ignore the significant contributions made by women in this rapidly evolving field. One such prominent figure is Sarah Kreps, a professor of government at Cornell University. Kreps has been at the forefront of research where AI intersects with government policies, making her a pivotal figure in understanding and shaping AI's role in society.

Early Life and Education

Childhood and Early Influences

Sarah Kreps' journey into the world of AI and government policy began long before her academic career. Growing up, she was surrounded by an environment that fostered curiosity and a love for learning. Her parents, both educators, encouraged her to explore various fields, which eventually led her to the intriguing world of technology and governance.

Academic Background

Kreps pursued her undergraduate studies at Harvard University, where she developed a keen interest in international relations and public policy. She later earned her Ph.D. from Georgetown University, further honing her expertise in government affairs. This strong academic foundation set the stage for her future endeavors in AI and policy.

Career Path

Early Career Steps

Before joining the academic world, Kreps gained valuable experience working in various governmental and non-governmental organizations. Her early career was marked by roles that involved critical analysis of international policies and their implications on global governance.

Transition to Academia

Kreps transitioned to academia with a wealth of real-world experience, bringing practical insights into her teaching and research. Her move to Cornell University was a turning point, allowing her to delve deeper into the intersection of AI and government.

Sarah Kreps at Cornell University

Joining Cornell University

Sarah Kreps joined Cornell University as a professor of government, where she quickly became a respected voice in her field. Her interdisciplinary approach, combining technology and policy, attracted students and colleagues alike.

Roles and Responsibilities

At Cornell, Kreps' roles extend beyond teaching. She is actively involved in various research projects, departmental activities, and serves as a mentor to students aspiring to make a mark in AI and public policy.

Research Focus

Intersection of AI and Government

Kreps' research primarily focuses on how AI technologies influence and are influenced by government policies. She examines the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI, striving to create a balanced approach that benefits society.

Key Research Contributions

Among her many contributions, Kreps has explored topics such as autonomous weapons, cybersecurity, and the governance of AI technologies. Her work often bridges the gap between theoretical research and practical policy applications.

Publications and Books

Notable Publications

Kreps has authored numerous papers and articles that have been widely cited in academic and policy-making circles. Her research is recognized for its depth and relevance, addressing contemporary issues in AI and governance.

Influence of Her Work

Her publications not only contribute to academic discourse but also influence policy decisions at various levels. Kreps' insights help shape regulations that govern the development and deployment of AI technologies.

Impact on AI Policy

Shaping AI Governance

Kreps plays a crucial role in shaping AI governance frameworks. Her research provides policymakers with the necessary tools and knowledge to create informed regulations that ensure AI technologies are used responsibly.

Contributions to Policy Making

Through her work, Kreps has contributed to several policy-making processes, advising on issues ranging from data privacy to the ethical use of AI. Her input is invaluable in creating policies that safeguard public interest while promoting technological innovation.

Teaching and Mentorship

Courses Taught

At Cornell, Kreps teaches a variety of courses that cover topics such as international relations, public policy, and the societal impacts of AI. Her courses are known for their rigorous content and engaging teaching style.

Mentoring the Next Generation

Kreps is deeply committed to mentoring students, helping them navigate their academic and professional journeys. Her guidance has inspired many to pursue careers in AI and public policy, contributing to the diversity and dynamism of the field.

Awards and Recognitions

Major Awards

Throughout her career, Kreps has received numerous awards recognizing her contributions to research and education. These accolades highlight her impact and dedication to her work.

Recognitions in the Field

Kreps is frequently cited in academic circles and her work is referenced in various policy documents. Her influence extends beyond academia, making her a prominent figure in both scholarly and policy-making communities.

Public Speaking and Outreach

Engagements and Conferences

Kreps is a sought-after speaker at conferences and seminars worldwide. She shares her expertise on AI and governance, contributing to broader discussions on the future of technology.

Outreach Programs

In addition to speaking engagements, Kreps participates in outreach programs aimed at educating the public about AI. Her efforts help demystify AI technologies and their implications for everyday life.

Women in AI Advocacy

Promoting Diversity in Tech

Kreps is a strong advocate for diversity in the tech industry. She actively promotes initiatives that support women and underrepresented groups in AI, striving to create an inclusive environment.

Initiatives and Campaigns

Her advocacy work includes participating in campaigns that encourage young women to pursue careers in STEM fields. Kreps believes that a diverse workforce leads to more innovative and equitable technological solutions.

Challenges Faced

Overcoming Barriers

Like many women in tech, Kreps has faced challenges related to gender bias and underrepresentation. However, she has persevered, using these experiences to fuel her advocacy for equality and inclusion.

Lessons Learned

Kreps' journey offers valuable lessons on resilience and determination. Her story inspires others to overcome obstacles and pursue their passions, regardless of the challenges they may face.

Future Prospects

Upcoming Projects

Looking ahead, Kreps has several exciting projects in the pipeline. These include research on the ethical implications of emerging AI technologies and initiatives to further integrate AI into public policy frameworks.

Vision for the Future

Kreps envisions a future where AI is developed and used responsibly, benefiting all of society. She continues to work towards this vision, combining her expertise in government and technology to create meaningful impact.

Personal Life

Balancing Work and Life

Despite her demanding career, Kreps manages to maintain a healthy work-life balance. She values time with her family and enjoys activities that help her unwind and recharge.

Personal Interests

Outside of work, Kreps has a range of interests, including hiking, reading, and exploring new technologies. These hobbies provide a well-rounded perspective that enriches her professional work.


Sarah Kreps stands out as a remarkable figure in the realm of AI and government policy. Her contributions have shaped the way we understand and regulate AI technologies, ensuring they are used ethically and effectively. As an educator, researcher, and advocate, Kreps continues to inspire and lead in her field, making significant strides for women in AI and beyond.


What inspired Sarah Kreps to focus on AI and government? Sarah Kreps was inspired by her interest in international relations and public policy, combined with the emerging challenges and opportunities presented by AI technologies.

How has Sarah Kreps influenced AI policy? Kreps has influenced AI policy through her research, publications, and advisory roles, providing critical insights that help shape regulations and governance frameworks.

What are some key publications by Sarah Kreps? Some key publications by Kreps include her research on autonomous weapons, cybersecurity, and the ethical implications of AI, all of which are widely cited in academic and policy-making circles.

How does Sarah Kreps support women in AI? Kreps supports women in AI through advocacy, mentorship, and participation in initiatives and campaigns that promote diversity and inclusion in the tech industry.

What are Sarah Kreps' future projects? Kreps' future projects include research on the ethical implications of new AI technologies and initiatives to further integrate AI into public policy frameworks.

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